
Hello again, Boost Asio

Some time has passed since my last post on ASIO. I guess it is worthy to restart everything from scratch, with a cute tiny hello world example that shows how ASIO can work with C++11 features.

What I am going to do is just setting a one second synchronous timer on ASIO, and wait for its expiration. But using the new chrono C++11 library.

[This example is still working alright, however, five years later, I have reviewed the code, using Boost ASIO 1.66. Please, refer to updated post instead.]


I am using GCC 4.8.1 on a Linux box. But I am confident that any C++11 compliant compiler will do, on any supported platform.

You would need to have Boost too, you should get it by some repository (of your Linux distribution), or you could get it directly form Boost.

If you are on Linux, and you have installed Boost through apt-get, you should have its header files in /usr/include/boost, and the libraries in /usr/lib. This would save you some time in setting up the makefile for your application.

ASIO has a strong low-level dependency to the boost_system library, you should remember to add it to your linking (-l, if you know what I mean) options, otherwise you would get some nasty errors at linker time, like this one:
  undefined reference to `boost::system::generic_category()'
Wait a minute ...

This example is based on the Timer.1 page of the official Boost Asio tutorial. What I changed is that I don't use the deadline_timer, that specifies periods defined as non-standard posix_time, but the basic_waitable_timer, or better its typedef steady_timer, that relies on the C++11 chrono library. By the way, this class could use also boost::chrono, if std::chrono is not available in your environment.
std::cout << "Starting ... " << std::flush; // 1

boost::asio::io_service aios; // 2
boost::asio::steady_timer timer(aios, std::chrono::seconds(1)); // 3
timer.wait(); // 4

std::cout << "done!" << std::endl; // 5
1. I do something, included some flushed output to the standard console, so that I can see that the program is working.
2. I create an Asio I/O Service
3. I start a steady timer, meaning a timer that uses the standard C++11 chrono steady clock, on the just created I/O service, passing as requested period one single second.
4. Synchronously wait until the timer expires. If the timer had already expired when the execution stream entered the wait() method, it would return immediately.
5. Back at work, I send some more feedback to the user.

I put on github the full code for this example, slightly edited. Here I used for sake of clarity the full namespace names any time it is required. On the github version, I make use of the handy C++ namespace alias capability to shorten them down like this:
namespace ba = boost::asio;
namespace sc = std::chrono;
And another thing. For this example, including the chrono standard header is not a necessity, since it is already implicitly included by the boost asio steady timer include. But I guess it makes the code clearer.

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