
HackerRank Java Sort

We have a Student class, having an int, a String (the name) and a double data member. We want read a bunch of Students from a data stream, sort them by the double - decreasing, then string, and then int. In the end we'll output just the student names.

This apparently boring little HackerRank problem shows how much more fun is Java since functional programming has been introduced in it.

I won't even talk about setting up the scanner and reading the 'count' number of students expected, and I focus here on the action.

Stream.generate(() -> new Student(sc.nextInt(),, sc.nextDouble())) // 1
    .limit(count) // 2
    .sorted(Comparator // 3
        .comparingDouble(Student::getCgpa).reversed() // 4
        .thenComparing(Student::getFname) // 5
        .thenComparingInt(Student::getId)) // 6
    .map(Student::getFname) // 7
    .forEach(System.out::println); // 8
  1. The stream comes up by data provided on the fly, reading them from the scanner - named sc. I read an int, a string, a double from it, I shovel them in the Student ctor, that is used in a lambda as supplier for the stream generated() method
  2. I don't want generate() to be called forever, the stream size is limited by the number of students, that I have previously read in 'count'
  3. I have to sort my stream, to do that I provide a Comparator ...
  4. Firstly I compare (primitive) doubles as provided by the Student.getCgpa() method. But, wait, I don't want the natural order, so I reverse it
  5. Second level of comparison, the Student first name
  6. Third level, the (primitive) int representing the Student id should be used
  7. Almost done. I'm interested in just the names, so I extract them by mapping
  8. Loop on the sorted student names, and print each one on a new line

You could get the full Java code from GitHub.

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HackerRank Java 1D Array (Part 2)

Don't be misled by its puzzling name, this fun little HackerRank problem has its main interest not in its implementation language nor in the use of the array data structure, but in the algorithm you apply to solve it.

There is a one dimensional board. Each cell in it could be set to zero (meaning free) or one. At startup the pawn is placed on the first cell to the left, and its job is going out to the right. It could be moved only moving forward by 1 or 'leap' positions, or backward just by one, but only to free (set to zero) cells.

Having specified the zeros and ones on the board, and the value of leap (non negative and not bigger than the board size), can we say if the game could be won?

I decided to use the Dynamic Programming approach, since the problem splits naturally in a series of simple steps, each of them contributing to the solution. There is one issue that muddies the water, the backward move. The rest of the algorithm is pretty straightforward.

  • Start from the last cell in the board.
  • Determine if a pawn could be placed there and if this would lead to a win.
  • Move to the next one of its left, up to the leftmost one.
  • Then return the win condition for the first cell.

Firstly, I create a cache to store all the intermediate values:

boolean[] memo = new boolean[game.length];
if (game[game.length - 1] == 0)
    memo[memo.length - 1] = true;

They are all initialized to false, but the last one, and only if a pawn could go there.

Having set this initial condition, I could loop on all the other elements, in inverse order

for (int i = memo.length - 2; i >= 0; i--) {
    // ... see below

return memo[0];

In the end, the first cell of my cache would contain the solution.

Hold on while reading the following "if", explanation follows.

if (game[i] == 0 && (i + leap >= game.length || memo[i + 1] || memo[i + leap])) {
    memo[i] = true;
    // ... see below

First thing, check the current value in the board. If it is not zero, I can't put the pawn there, the cache value stays set to false.

Otherwise, any of the following three conditions lead to true in cache:

  • adding the current position to the leap value pushes the pawn out of the board
  • the next cell in the board is a good one
  • the next leap cell is a good one

Now the funny part. When I set to true a cell, I should ensure that a few cells to the right are marked as good, too. This is due to the backward move. It is a sort of domino effect, that should stop when we find a cell where our pawn can't go.

for (int j = i + 1; j < memo.length && game[j] == 0; j++)
    memo[j] = true;

Full Java code and test case pushed on GitHub.

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Partitioning Souvenirs (patched)

Given a list of integers, we want to know if there is a way to split it evenly in three parts, so that the sum of each part is the same than the other ones.

Problem given in week six of the edX MOOC Algs200x Algorithmic Design and Techniques by the UC San Diego.

My first solution, as you can see in a previous post (please check it out for more background information), was accepted in the MOOC but didn't work in a few cases, as Shuai Zhao pointed out.

So, I added the Shuai test case to my testing suite, and then a couple of other ones, that I felt would help me in writing a more robust solution:
def test_shuai(self):
    self.assertFalse(solution([7, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 3]))

def test_confounding_choice(self):
    self.assertFalse(solution([3, 2, 2, 2, 3]))

def test_duplicates(self):
    self.assertTrue(solution([2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2]))
Firstly, I rewrote the initial check, that now looks in this way:
def solution(values):
    third, module = divmod(sum(values), 3)  # 1
    if len(values) < 3 or module or max(values) > third:  # 2
        return False
1. Add up the passed values, our target is its third, and surely we can't split it there is a remainder after the division. Using divmod() we get both values in a single shot.
2. If we have less than three values in input, a remainder by dividing their sum by three, or if there is a value bigger than a third of the sum, our job is already done.

Then, since I saw that the problem was due to the lack of check in the ownership for values, I added a shadow table to the one I'm using for the Dynamic Programming procedure. I named it 'taken', and it keeps the id of the owner for the relative value for the current row. Zero means the value is currently not taken.
table = [[0] * (len(values) + 1) for _ in range(third + 1)]
taken = [[0] * (len(values) + 1) for _ in range(third + 1)]
As before, I apply the standard DP procedure, looping on all the "valid" elements.
for i in range(1, third + 1):
    for j in range(1, len(values) + 1):
        # ...
Another not a substantial change, it occurred to me that I keep track of a maximum of two positive matches in the table, so, if I have already reached that value, there's no need in doing other checks, just set the current value to two.
if table[i][j-1] == 2:
    table[i][j] = 2
The next check was already in, I just refactored it out, because the combined if clause in which it was included was getting too complicated, and I added the first use of the taken table.
if values[j-1] == i:
    table[i][j] = 1 if table[i][j-1] == 0 else 2  # 1
    taken[i][j] = j  # 2

ii = i - values[j-1]  # 3
1. If the current value is the same of the current row value, I have found a match. So I increase its value in the DP table
2. And I mark it as taken for the j value in the current row.
3. If j is not an exact match for i, I split it, looking for the difference in the previous column.

Now it's getting complicated. If there is a good value in the previous column, before using it we have to ensure it is available. And, since it could have been the result of a splitting, we need to check on the full row to do our job correctly.
available = True
taken_id = taken[ii][j-1]  # 1
if taken_id:
    for jj in range(1, j):  # 2
        if taken[ii][jj] == taken_id:  # 3
            if taken[i][jj]:
                available = False
1. The current value id from the taken table is zero if was not used in the 'ii' row.
2. If the current value has a valid id, we need to ensure it has not be already used in current 'i' row.
3. The current jj is marked as used in the ii row for the id we care about, if it is taken also in the i row, we have a problem. We are trying to using in 'i' a value that has been already used. This was the check I missed.

Good, now I can safely going on with my DP algorithm.
if ii > 0 and table[ii][j - 1] > 0 and not taken[i][j - 1] and available:
    table[i][j] = 1 if table[i][j - 1] == 0 else 2
    // ...
The annoying thing is that I have to set the taken table too:
taken[i][j] = j  # 1
taken[i][j-1] = j

matcher = values[j-1] + values[j-2]  # 2
if taken_id:
    for jj in range(1, len(values)):  # 3
        if taken[ii][jj] == taken_id:
            taken[i][jj] = j
            matcher += values[jj-1]
if matcher < i:
    for jj in range(j-2, 0, -1):  # 4
        if taken[i][jj] or matcher + values[jj-1] > i:
        matcher += values[jj-1]
        taken[i][jj] = j
        if matcher == i:
1. This is nice and simple. The current j and the previous one should be marked as j.
2. We have to mark all the other values concurring to generate the current sum. These are two just marked 'j' on this row, all the ones marked as stored in taken_id on 'ii' and, if they are not enough, also the ones free on 'i', to the get the expected result. To perform this last check I need another variable, that I called 'matcher'.
3. Mark on 'i' as 'j' all the items marked taken_id on 'ii'. And adjust matcher.
4. If needed, loop on the left elements looking for the missing values.

And finally:
        # ...
        else:  # 1
            table[i][j] = table[i][j - 1]

return True if table[-1][-1] == 2 else False  # 2
1. This 'else' follows the 'if ii > 0 and ...' above, ensuring the current cell is adjourned correctly if nothing else happened before.
2. The bottom right cell in our DP table should be set to 2 only if we find a correct 3-way split.

See full python code and test cases on GitHub.

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