alter session set current_schema = hr;Or maybe we could use the qualified name for the table we want to access:
select * from hr.countries;
The american countries in the the countries database have region_id 2, so to select all of them we write this query:
select * from countries where region_id = 2;The star (*) means "all the columns".
The american countries in the the countries database have region_id 2, so to select all of them we write this query:
select * from countries where region_id = 2;The star (*) means "all the columns".
If we are not interested in seeing all the columns we could specify just the ones we want to see:
select country_name from countries where region_id = 2;We can have a better selection ANDing more conditions:
select * from employees where department_id = 90 and salary > 20000;And what if we'd like to select all the employees having first name starting with S? We could write something like that:
select * from employees where first_name > 'S' and first_name < 'T';Actually, there is another way to get the same result, using the "like" keyword:
select * from employees where first_name like 'S%';The percent means any number of any character. If we want just one 'jolly' character we use the underscore:
select * from countries where country_id like 'C_';Another way to select a range of values is achieved using the between keyword:
select * from employees where first_name between 'S' and 'T';
We can also ORring different clauses:
select * from employees where department_id = 40 or department_id = 50;
A different approach is required to find the rows having a specific field set to NULL. If we are looking for the boss, we can get it knowing he has no manager, meaning his manager_id is NULL:
select * from employees where manager_id is null;
If we know the values we are looking for, instead of ORring all the conditions referring to them we can use the IN clause:
select * from employees where first_name in ('Steven', 'John');Or we can select all the rows that are not in a set of values:
select * from employees where department_id not in (40, 50);
Post written while reading Head First SQL
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