
once_flag and call_once()

We have seen that, if we are developing in C++ for a multithreaded environment, it is not a good idea using the double checked locking strategy for ensure that a functionality is called just once in all the process life.

C++11 and the Thread Boost Library offer a robust alternative approach that is based on the couple once_flag and call_once().

The same code that we have seen in the previous post, could be rewritten like this:
std::shared_ptr<SomethingExpensive> sp; // 1
boost::once_flag ofsp; // 2

void setSomething()
boost::call_once(ofsp, [](){ // 3
sp.reset(new SomethingExpensive()); // 4

1. Using the volatile keyword on smart pointers leads to a number of complications. For this reason the original example was written using a raw pointer. We have seen that actually there is no real reason to use the volatile qualifier, so here we are free to go smart.
2. This is the once_flag associated to the resource we want to protect. Here we are using the boost implementation, but if this C++11 feature is supported by your current compiler you can use it just changing the namespace to std.
3. Calling boost::call_once() - again, use std::call_once if available for your compiler - we ensure that the passed function is called only once in all the process life. Here we pass as a function a lambda, so to make the code very compact.
4. That's the code called just once. An object is created on the heap and its address is stored in the smart pointer.

I have added a ctor to the expected expensive class to have some feedback:
SomethingExpensive() { std::cout << "ctor" << std::endl; }
And then I have written a test:
TEST(Expensive, Good)
boost::thread t1(&setSomething);
boost::thread t2(&setSomething);


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