The environment setup is done in a previous post, including the Makefile description, that you could download from github.
The access to Redis is ruled through a class, UniqueRedis, that has a minimal public interface. There is a static method to get the unique connection instance, a utility method to check if currently the connection is available, and a getter/setter couple. The full source code for the header file is on github:
typedef std::unique_ptr<redisContext, std::function<void(redisContext*)>> UniqueContext; // 1 class UniqueRedis { public: static UniqueRedis& instance() // 2 { static UniqueRedis redis; // 3 return redis; } bool isConnected() { return spContext_ ? true : false; } // 4 void set(const std::string& key, const std::string& value); // 5 std::string get(const std::string& key); private: UniqueRedis(); // 6 void free(); // 7 UniqueRedis(const UniqueRedis&) = delete; // 8 const UniqueRedis& operator=(const UniqueRedis&) = delete; UniqueContext spContext_; // 9 };1. I don't want to manage directly the Redis context, I delegate instead a C++11 smart pointer to do the dirty job for me instead. I have chosen unique_ptr because I don't want it to be copied around, and I am giong to use it in the flavor that let the user passing a deleter to it, so that the smart pointer could also take care of calling that cleanup function when needed.
2. The user of this Redis wrapper, should call this static method to gain access to its unique object.
3. If you are using a compiler supporting the C++11 standard, as GNU GCC, initializing a local static variable is implicitely thread-safe.
4. This method returns true if the private smart pointer has been initialized, meaning that a connection to Redis has been already estabilished.
5. Setter and getter. The code is shown below.
6. A UniqueRedis object could be created only through the static initializer defined above.
7. Utility function to cleanup the Redis connection.
8. Copy ctor and assignment operator are explicitely deleted from the class interface.
9. The standard unique_ptr for the Redis context.
The source code for the cpp file is on github, too. Here are some stripped down and commented parts of it:
const std::string REDIS_HOST = "localhost"; // 1 const int REDIS_PORT = 6379; UniqueRedis::UniqueRedis() { redisContext* context = redisConnect(REDIS_HOST.c_str(), REDIS_PORT); if(context->err) // 2 { redisFree(context); return; } spContext_ = UniqueContext(context, std::bind(&UniqueRedis::free, this)); // 3 } void UniqueRedis::set(const std::string& key, const std::string& value) // 4 { void* reply = redisCommand(spContext_.get(), "SET %b %b", key.c_str(), key.length(), value.c_str(), value.length()); if(reply) { freeReplyObject(reply); return; } } std::string UniqueRedis::get(const std::string& key) { redisReply* reply = static_cast<redisReply*>(redisCommand(spContext_.get(), "GET %b", key.c_str(), key.length())); if(!reply) return ""; std::string result = reply->str ? reply->str : ""; freeReplyObject(reply); return result; }1. It would be a smarter idea to have Redis host and port in a configuration file, and fetch the actual values from there. But for the moment having them defined as constants will do.
2. If the hiredis function redisConnect() can't create a good connection to Redis using the passed host and port, I simply cleanup the context and return. You could decide to implement a more aggressive behavior (typically, throwing an exception).
3. We store the valid Redis context in the class private smart pointer. We pass as deleter the address to the member function that would free the context (not shown here, it boils down to call redisFree() for the raw Redis context pointer).
4. The call to redisCommand() is wrapped by set() and get(). As you can see, they work in a very similar way. Notice that I use the binary flag (%b) so that I could pass whatever comes from the user without troubles.
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