This is the tests I have extracted from the given samples.
def test_provided_1(self): self.assertEqual('Low', solution('Heelo Codevval | Hello Codeeval')) def test_provided_2(self): self.assertEqual('Critical', solution('hELLO cODEEVAL | Hello Codeeval')) def test_provided_3(self): self.assertEqual('Done', solution('Hello Codeeval | Hello Codeeval'))Notice that the two versions have the same length, and that the error checking is case sensitive.
After splitting the input line on ' | ' I simply count the bugs comparing the elements in the same position for the two components in the list:
bugs = 0 for i in range(len(data[0])): if data[0][i] != data[1][i]: bugs += 1Then it is just a matter of swithing on the bugs and returning an appropriated message. However, for some obscure reason, Python does not have a switch statement. So the better I could think of, was a if/elif/else structure:
if bugs == 0: return 'Done' elif bugs < 3: return 'Low' elif bugs < 5: return 'Medium' elif bugs < 7: return 'High' else: return 'Critical'That's it. Submitted to CodeEval, than pushed to GitHub, both test case and python script.
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