
Boost ASIO Strand example

In the previous posts, we used ASIO keeping away from any possible multithreading issue, with the noticeable exception of
Asynchronous wait on timer, part two, where a job was executed concurrently to the ASIO handler in another thread, using of a mutex, a lock, and an atomic int to let it work as expected.

With ASIO we can follow a different approach, based on its strand concept, avoiding explicit synchronization.

The point is that we won't run the competing functions directly, but we will post the calls to a strand object, that would ensure they will be executed in a sequential way. Just be sure you use the same strand object.

We have a class, Printer, with two private methods, print1() and print2(), that uses the same member variable, count_, and printing something both to cout.

We post the two functions a first time in the class constructor, asking our strand object to run them.
namespace ba = boost::asio;
// ...

class Printer
// ...

ba::io_context::strand strand_;
int count_;

Printer(ba::io_context& io, int count) : strand_(io), count_(count)
{, this));, this));
The functions would post themselves again on the same strand, until some condition is satisfied.
void print1()
 if (count_ > 0)
  --count_;, this));
And this is more or less the full story for the Printer class. No need of synchronization, we rely on the strand to have them executed sequentially.

We still have to let ASIO run on two threads, and this is done by calling the run() method from io_context from two different threads. This is kind of interesting on its own, because we bump in an subtle problem due on how std::bind() is implemented.

The official Boost ASIO tutorial suggests to use the Boost implementation:
std::thread thread(boost::bind(&ba::io_context::run, &io));
It works fine, end of the story, one would say. But let see what it happens when using the standard bind implementation:
std::thread thread(std::bind(&ba::io_context::run, &io));
// error C2672: 'std::bind': no matching overloaded function found
// error C2783: 'std::_Binder<std::_Unforced,_Fx,_Types...> std::bind(_Fx &&,_Types &&...)': could not deduce template argument for '_Fx'
Damn it. It tries to be smarter than Boost, and in this peculiar case it doesn't work. The problem is that there are two run() functions in io_context, and bind() doesn't know which one to pick up.

A simple solution would be compile our code for a "clean" ASIO version, getting rid of the deprecated parts, as is the case of the run() overload.

If we can't do that, we should provide an extra help to bind, so that it could understand correctly the function type. An explicit cast would do:
auto run = static_cast<ba::io_context::count_type(ba::io_service::*)()>(&ba::io_context::run);
std::thread thread(std::bind(run, &io));
I have taken the address of the member function run from boost::asio::io_context (also known as io_service, but now it is deprecated too) and I explicitly casted it to its actual type.

Can we get the same result in a more readable way? Well, using a lambda could be an idea.
std::thread thread([&io] {; });
You could get my full C++ code from GitHub. I based it on the Timer.5 example from the official Boost ASIO tutorial.


  1. ABCBD4C90ARyanE4522203A8October 12, 2024 at 12:03 AM

