
Spring and JdbcTemplate

Let's say that we want to write a Spring application that requires some simple database activity. We decide to use an embedded database, H2 and, instead of choosing a higher level persistency framework, we decide to go for the JDBC support, mediating it with JdbcTemplate, a Spring class aimed at simplifying its use.

I create a Spring project using the STS wizard (File >> New >> Spring Starter Project).
Since I want to use JDBC and the H2 database support, I select these two options from the dependencies page:
From database schema to POJOs

In the source/main/resources folder, I put a file named schema.sql, this is enough for Spring, that knows it has to get it and run it at startup, so there I put the SQL commands to create my tables. I create two tables, spitter and spittle, connected by the id of the first, that is a foreign key in the second.

The tables defined in the database are reflected in a couple of plain old Java classes, and, having as fields what in the tables are the columns.

There is one thing that I think is interesting. The SQL spittle table has, among the other fields, a datetime, postedTime. We need to find a counterpart for it in the Java world. Since we are not interested here in time zones and the such, just in a plain timestamp, I decided to use Java 8 java.time.Instant.

That's it. If the SQL stuff is simple, and I have just a couple of tables, I could give it for done. To see that, I have created a basic version for the SpringBootApplication that implements the CommandLineRunner interface:
public class UsingJdbcApplication implements CommandLineRunner {
    private static final Logger log = LoggerFactory.getLogger(UsingJdbcApplication.class);

    private JdbcTemplate template;  // 1

    public static void main(String[] args) {, args);

    public void run(String... args) throws Exception {
        Long counter = template.queryForObject("SELECT count(id) FROM spitter", Long.class);  // 2"Rows on spitter table: " + counter);"Pushing a spitter in");
        Object[] admin = new Object[] { "admin", "password", "Admin", "admin@example.dd" };
        template.update("INSERT INTO spitter(username, password, fullname, email) VALUES(?, ?, ?, ?)", admin);  // 3

        template.query("SELECT * FROM spitter WHERE username = ?", new Object[] { "admin" },  // 4
                (rs, rowNum) -> new Spitter(rs.getLong("id"), rs.getString("username"), rs.getString("password"),
                        rs.getString("fullname"), rs.getString("email"), rs.getBoolean("updateByEmail")))
                .forEach(spitter ->"Spitter: " + spitter.toString()));
1. Sort of magic. We ask to Spring to wire this JdbcTemplate object. Since the H2 jar is in the classpath, it understands it has to use it as database. We don't provide any settings, and it uses a whole bunch of defaults. Usually not a good idea for production code, but very handy for prototyping.
2. Let's run a simple query that returns a single value. This line shows that actually Spring has initialized the database using the script named schema.sql that it found in the main resources folder. And how JdbcTemplate makes our life so much simpler. Notice that the queryForObject() method has a first parameter that is the SQL statement we want to run, and the second one that is the type for the expected return value.
3. A parametrized update(). Its first parameter is a parametrized JDBC SQL insert statement, the second one a vector of objects containing the values that we want to usein the query.
4. Something a bit more complicated. The query() method execute a query in a way similar to the update() seen above but, as third parameter, it accepts a lambda function that maps each row in the resulting resultset to a new Spitter object. We tipically have no use for the rowNum parameter, just access any resultset field we need.
This query() call returns a list of Spitter. On that list we apply a forEach() so that each element in the list is logged. Actually, here we are expecting just one Spitter, however this is a common pattern that we should learn to recognize and use.

Running the Spring Boot App, I can see in the console window the expected log.

Repositories and configuration

Usually we don't want to scatter SQL statements all over our Java code. So we create two interfaces, one for Spittle and one for Spitter, that act as repository for them, and then we implement them for our JDBC provider.
The two classes are quite similar. Let's see some parts of JdbcSpittleRepository, that is a tad more complicated.
// ...
private static final String SELECT = "select, as spitterId, s.username, s.password, s.fullname,, s.updateByEmail, sp.message, sp.postedTime from Spittle sp, Spitter s where sp.spitter =";
private static final String SELECT_RECENT = SELECT + " order by sp.postedTime desc limit ?";

public List<Spittle> findRecent(int count) {
    return template.query(SELECT_RECENT, new SpittleRowMapper(), count);  // 1

// ...
private long insertSpittle(Spittle spittle) {
    SimpleJdbcInsert insert = new SimpleJdbcInsert(template).withTableName("Spittle");  // 2
    Map<String, Object> args = new HashMap<String, Object>();
    args.put("spitter", spittle.getSpitter().getId());
    args.put("message", spittle.getMessage());
    args.put("postedTime", Timestamp.from(spittle.getPostedTime()));
    long spittleId = insert.executeAndReturnKey(args).longValue();
    return spittleId;

// ...
private static final class SpittleRowMapper implements RowMapper<Spittle> {  // 3
    public Spittle mapRow(ResultSet rs, int rowNum) throws SQLException {
        long id = rs.getLong("id");
        String message = rs.getString("message");
        Instant postedTime = rs.getTimestamp("postedTime").toInstant();
        long spitterId = rs.getLong("spitterId");
        String username = rs.getString("username");
        String password = rs.getString("password");
        String fullName = rs.getString("fullname");
        String email = rs.getString("email");
        boolean updateByEmail = rs.getBoolean("updateByEmail");
        Spitter spitter = new Spitter(spitterId, username, password, fullName, email, updateByEmail);
        return new Spittle(id, spitter, message, postedTime);
1. Almost an innocent JdbcTemplate wrapper to a JDBC query, if we don't pay much attention to the second parameter, that would convert the ResultSet coming from the SQL select in a list of Spittles. See the SpittleRowMapper below for details.
2. Here we see how SimpleJdbcInsert helps us in writing readable code when we want to insert a row in a table, in the case where the database will take the burden of generating a key for us, and we need to return it to the caller. After specifying the table we are working on, we set the name of the field that is a generated key, and then, as a map, the field names and associated values. Finally we have just to pass them to the SimpleJdbcInsert by executeAndReturnKey().
3. The SpittleRowMapper seen in action in (1). Its mapRow() method maps a single row from the underneath table in a Spittle object.

In some way, Spring has to configure these repositories, passing to them a viable JdbcTemplate object. In this app, it is done by JdbcConfig, annotated as a Spring Configuration class. It generates a few beans (in the Spring sense of the term) representing the DataSource, JdbcTemplate, the repositories, and also a transaction manager. We'll see them at work in the tester. It interesting seeing how the DataSource is set, when we don't rely on the default initialization by Spring.
public class JdbcConfig {
    public DataSource dataSource() {
        return new EmbeddedDatabaseBuilder()
                .addScripts("schema.sql", "test-data.sql")
    // ...
This data source represents an embedded database, H2 type, that would run a couple of scripts at startup. We already seen the first one, schema.sql, here I added a second one, that contains a bunch of SQL insert for spitters and spittles rows.


There are a couple of JUnit test, one for Spitter the other one for Spittle repository. They are quite similar. Let's have a fast look at first one.
@ContextConfiguration(classes = JdbcConfig.class)  // 1
public class JdbcSpitterRepositoryTest {
    JdbcSpitterRepository spitterRepository;  // 2

    // ...
    @Transactional  // 3
    public void findAll() {
        List<Spitter> spitters = spitterRepository.findAll();  // 4
        assertEquals(4, spitters.size());
        assertSpitter(0, spitters.get(0));
        assertSpitter(1, spitters.get(1));
        assertSpitter(2, spitters.get(2));
        assertSpitter(3, spitters.get(3));

1. Here I'm saying to Spring to fetch the JdbcConfig class and use it to configure itself for testing.
2. Thanks to (1) we can ask to Spring to autowire the spitter repository.
3. Having defined a PlatformTransactionManager, we can use it to keep very simple the transaction management. A transaction is started and completed, eventually rolled-back, behind the curtains.
4. The spitters come from the test-data.sql called at startup by JdbcConfig dataSource().

Reference: Hitting the database with Spring and JDBC, from Spring in Action, Fourth Edition by Craig Walls, chapter ten.

This complete Spring application is on GitHub.

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